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  • Destiny Taylor

COVID-19 has stores selling out of cleaning supplies; DIY hand sanitizer may be your next solution

By now, there is no denying that many of us have made multiple trips to the store in hopes of finding bleach, disinfectant spray, hand sanitizer or other cleaning supplies. Unfortunate for us, since the outbreak of COVID-19, these items have become harder and harder to find. It seems as if the manufacturers and factories are outnumbered with the amount of cases climbing day by day.

Hand sanitizer was the first thing to go during the initial threat of COVID-19. Now that times are desperate, many people have already began figuring out their own DIY (do it yourself) remedies while at home. One of those remedies includes homemade hand sanitizer. To make hand sanitizer at home you will only need three ingredients: Isopropyl alcohol, Aloe vera gel and some form of essential oil.

Now, there’s a few things to know before you mix the ingredients together. The isopropyl alcohol is the main sanitizing ingredient in this recipe. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol in order for it to be as effective as possible. Next, Aloe vera gel is usually sold in stores but that too, is starting to sell out. If you happen to have a bottle at home that is perfect. Alternatively, you can use a fresh Aloe vera plant as well. This is known for is healing and sanitizing effects.

Lastly, there are a few different essential oils you can use for your DIY hand sanitizer. Tea tree oil and cinnamon oil is the most recommended, however you can use coconut oil as well. Cinnamon oil and tea tree oil both have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Now that you know all of your ingredients, as far as supplies you will only need a mixing bowl, spoon, funnel and a bottle.

To make a normal-size hand sanitizer bottle, mix 1 cup of isopropyl alcohol (60% or higher), ½ a cup of aloe vera gel and 15 drops of essential oil into your bowl. Stir ingredients together until a gel substance is formed. Once you have your finished product, pour your hand sanitizer into a squeeze or pump bottle, label it and you're all set.

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