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  • Destiny Taylor

Retail stores run out of household items amid Coronavirus concerns

Growing concerns over the coronavirus outbreak has shoppers all over the world in an uproar. With fear of catching the contagious virus and possibly having to stay at home for days, shoppers have cleared all retail stores out of hand sanitizer, bleach, disinfecting wipes, cleaning sprays and toilet paper.

Coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, is a virus that attacks the respiratory system, causing shortness of breath, cough and fever. The CDC urges people to wear face masks, wash your hands and avoid coming in contact with anyone who has the above-mentioned symptoms. Major retailers like Walmart,CVS and Walgreens have all ran out of sanitizing items. “We have no idea when we’re going to restock. Even our warehouse is out so we don’t know when our next shipment will be,” said Marcie, a CVS manager.

Last week, Walgreens began limiting the number of disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer and gloves to four per shopper. While other stores such as Walmart, are leaving quantity limits up the store managers discretion. Additionally, some food items have also become scarce in recent days. Items like canned goods, cereal, microwave noodles and more importantly, water, has also been out of stock in most stores. “I’ve been to the grocery store three times just trying to buy a week’s worth of groceries. It's ridiculous. People are acting as if there’s a hurricane,” said one Walmart shopper.

Some businesses are opting to cut their hours or even close completely because of the coronavirus. Walmart, the world’s largest retailer, will close at 11 p.m. for the next 12 days. While places like Apple, Nike and Disney are temporarily closed until further notice. Orange County Public Schools also have an extended spring break due to concerns of the virus spreading as people travel. Schools will be shut down and students/staff will not return until Monday, March 30.

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