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Single mom from Africa launches her own business

Upcoming business owner, entrepreneur, and single mother, Francesa Nzolameso is incredibly motivated when it comes to her future.

Born on October 4th,1995 in the Congos of Africa, Nzolameso moved to America with her dad in July 2005. Fast forward to 2019, Nzolameso has launched her very own business, Omorphia, LLC.Omorphia is a skin care and hair care line that currently features a variety of homemade soaps and hair products. Originally starting off as a hair extensions line, Nzolameso revamped her entire brand just shortly after launching. Having natural hair herself, Nzolameso struggled to find a decent product that worked for her hair. “I would look on other people’s Instagram pages and see what homemade products they were making, then I just decided to make my own,” said Nzolameso.

“The process was very stressful. There’s a lot of costs associated with starting a business. I had to pay for my ingredients, a photographer for my promotional photoshoot, and my logo and packaging,” she said. Nzolameso also has a full-time job working 40 hours a week, and a 3-year-old daughter to raise. When asked how she feels about other non-U.S. citizens moving to America to try to make a name for themselves, the 24-year-old mom replied with three simple words: It’s a must. “We all still have family back home, so it’s necessary to leave in order to build a better life for you and your family,” she added.

The skin products Omorphia currently has are the yoni soap bar, turmeric bar, honey oatmeal bar, and aloe vera/charcoal bar--all serving a different purpose. The yoni bar helps balance pH levels, eliminate odor, and reduces irritation and itching. The turmeric bar fights acne and reduces dark spots. The honey oatmeal bar works as a pore cleanser and soothes skin. And the aloe vera/charcoal heals wounds and fights aging. Omorphia’s shea butter is used to strengthen damaged hair, and the hair oil is used to grow your hair.

A few of the main benefits from Omorphia products is that there are no added chemicals or artificial supplements. Everything is 100% natural, using organic and vegan ingredients only. A customer of Nzolameso recently said, “I bought the yoni bar after reading the reviews. I’ve used the bar soap for two weeks and this product has really changed my life. It has really given me my confidence back. Please don’t stop making this!” Nzolameso mentioned the yoni bar is definitely her best-selling product and her personal favorite as well.

Compared to when she first launched her business, Nzolameso shared she has seen a dramatic increase in sales. “In the beginning I used to get like one or two orders a week. Now it’s becoming more consistent I’m having multiple orders a day,” said Nzolameso. Her marketing techniques are simply from word of mouth, passing out flyers and social media. Nzolameso plans to add a moisturizer, toner and yoni oil to her line in the near future.

A short-term goal for the Africa native is to be able to quit her job and run her business full time, making at least $1,000 a week. Currently operating out of her own home, Nzolameso hopes to have a warehouse within the next five years. So she can hire employees to mass produce her products. Nzolameso also has dreams of seeing her products being sold in stores such as Walmart or Target.

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