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Start-up business Omorphia, LLC. is a one-stop shop for feminine products

Attention all ladies! Have you ever had issues with your feminine parts? Well, I know some of you may not want to answer that. But this feminine product line just might have your cure to a healthy vagina. Omorphia, LLC. is a new and upcoming business that specializes in homemade vegan vagina products. Popular products include the yoni soap bar, yoni oil, and yoni steam.

Founded in April 2019, Omorphia’s mission is to improve women’s health, build confidence and promote a healthy sex life. Founder Francesa Makela, says one of the main reasons she created this line of products is because she struggled finding feminine products that worked on her.

“I’ve always preferred natural products over chemically-infused ones. I would look on Instagram to see what natural products were out there. Until realizing I would rather make my own. That way I know what’s in it and what’s going in my body,” said the 25-year-old North Carolina native.

Omorphia’s yoni bar serves to help your pH balance, eliminate odor and restore moisture. While it’s for external use only, there are no added chemicals or artificial supplements. The yoni bar is made using organic and vegan ingredients only. Makela shared that the yoni bar is Omorphia’s best-selling product and her personal favorite as well.

“My menstrual cycle has always been irregular. It’s a rare occasion if my cycle comes every month. After two weeks of using the yoni bar my cycle came. Some people may look at it is a bad thing, but I look at it as a good thing because my body is now doing what it’s supposed to do,” said Briana Williams.

Additionally, Omorphia’s yoni steam can also help ease your bodily pains during that time of the month. Steaming involves sitting over seat or pot of herb-infused water. Although not scientifically proven, steaming has reportedly been useful if you suffer from irregular periods or painful cramps.

Now to be clear, you do not have to have any vaginal issues to use these products. In fact, all products are recommended simply to maintain good hygiene. Omorphia’s yoni oil can be used for both daily maintenance and pleasure as well. The yoni oil was created to reduce itching, dryness and prevent ingrown hairs.

Still undecided on Omorphia’s yoni products? Check out the customer reviews section on Omorphia’s homepage. Omorphia is primarily an online store, however, if you reside in North Carolina you can stop by the BLC Gallery and pick up any yoni product. Also, be sure to follow Omorphia on Instagram to stay up to date on exclusive offers and sales.

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