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UCF graduates share their thoughts on virtual commencement ceremony

Graduation is known to be one of the most exciting accomplishments in one’s life, especially graduating from college. Orlando’s newest University of Central Florida (UCF) Downtown campus opened in August 2019 and welcomed over 7,000 students. Unfortunately for the graduating seniors, their last semester would take a drastic change due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The UCF Downtown campus was built in the center of downtown Orlando and offers 20 new academic programs for students. As of March 16th, UCF switched to remote instruction due to the emergence of confirmed coronavirus cases in Florida. Tyler Frater, interdisciplinary studies major, said she was already an online student so switching to virtual classes was not a big change for her.

“I did want to partake in on-campus activities though. I’ve been an online student all four years but my last semester I actually wanted to be on campus more. I probably went to the new downtown campus twice before we went on lockdown. I was looking forward to walking across that stage but at the end of the day I’m just happy I pushed through,” said Frater.

Another UCF graduate shared she was initially saddened when she first heard the news that campus would be shut down for the rest of semester. Christelle Alerte, a nursing major, said she was very determined to not let anything stop her from getting her degree.

“At first I wasn’t in the mood at all. I was thinking this really sucks and didn’t want to celebrate. It wasn’t until two days before where I came to the realization that I deserve to celebrate no matter what the circumstances are. I put together a last-minute graduation party and live-streamed the ceremony,” said Alerte.

On May 2nd, UCF celebrated the class of 2020 via virtual commencement ceremony on Facebook and YouTube. Graduates had the chance to send in photos and videos of their graduation festivities to be included in a fun commencement video. “I appreciate them for doing all they could do for their students. I still felt surrounded by love and support. I’m happy I prevailed through all of this coronavirus stuff and got my degree,” said spring grad Cierra Ward.

UCF Downtown, along with their UCF West and UCF East campuses are expected to remain closed through the summer. For any students taking summer classes, those courses will begin on Monday, May 11 and will remain online.

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